michelle spells
She is respected She is deeply compassionate She is a family figure She trusts in community She is supportive She is trusted She is responsible She is stable She is successful She sees all opportunities She is committed She trusts the process
Ultimately, SHE IS:
→ loyal
→ confidant
→ intuitive
→ charged up
→ passionate
She's an action hero
→ a fighter & combative
→ she's rich & wealthy
10 of Cups
Queen of Cups | King of Pentacles
4 of Cups
i am everything. i am the entire universe
I DECLARE: In exchange for helping my clients achieve this amazing and valuable transformation, my fee is just 250/hr. I close a minimum of at least 10 clients per week and i earn $12,500/month just in single paid coaching calls. I will earn $23,00/month with paid plans at $5000 & $2000 per plan with 6-10 clients. I do this because I want to have financial freedom for myself and my family. Because every client I help goes on to help the people they know spreading the wealth globally which changes the world. I do this because my mission in life is to be a leader and cultivate change and prosperity and consciousness for all people. I believe this is Divine work and Divine timing. I believe God put me on the Planet to do this work. This isn't my business, it's God's business... I just work here. I am here to serve. I am the BEST at what I do and my work is a huge blessing to the entire world and universe. The importance of my work is awesome and everyone deserves to feel their power. My fee is not only fair but deserved for helping so many people awaken to their true power and authenticity.
repeating mantras
i am safe with money and money is safe with me
money is safe with me because i am safe with me
i choose me so money chooses me
and so it will be.
i am everything. i am the entire universe
i call to me humans seeking safety who inveset in self care and who are serious about changing and becoming unique. These humans will be able to receive healing and guidance. They will desire a holistic, rich lifestyle. They will be willing to share what they've learned to those who cannot pay in money energy. They will not constantly complain and they are not cool with assimulating. Anyone whose values do not align with me can kindly be exit stage left gracefully and with ease. People who are unwilling to change, who are comfortable where they are and skeptics of the Divine are not acceptable clients and collaborators.
: People™️
repeating mantras
quality people = quality intentions
love is unique + i am unique = i am love
i love investing in self care so i can be naturally me
and so it will be.
i am everything. i am the entire universe
I must achieve this mission so that I have no more survival worries. I must provide communities with healing in order to provide a sustained and nourished life that me and my family deserve. I love paying for coaching at full value. This is important for my financial stability.
repeating mantras
i am rich in life, love and money. i love money because it affords me a sustained and nourished life for me and my communities.
and so it will be.
to combat superficiality:
get new ideas; new ways of thinking - innovative
- mind expansion
- change & outgrow
[Queen of Pentacles ⩛ -> Ace of Swords]
to combat jealousy:
use charm; love
-use the Art of Love
[7 of Wands ⩛ -> Knight of Cups]
to have more faith:
release fear with calmness & confidence
[Page of Swords ⩛]