[updated june/2022] Here are the rules for product recs:
these are my personal & professional opinions based on my person experiences on myself and clients. If you've heard me talk about it while sitting in my chair, it's here.
don't buy hair products off of Amazon - if you need a link for where to buy, I'm happy to find the correct one for you. (Amazon acts as a black market for repackaged/old product. we don't trust it.)
don't talk about fight club.

this oil is dope. it's non-synthetic (no silicones) and literally a drop or two will do ya. it's expensive for this little bottle but even if you use it everyday, twice, it'll last you at least a year. combine it with any other product (like a gel to dilute the old), use it on dry, wet, damp, curly, straight, thin, fine, thick, course - it's cool for everything.
if it's not working for you it's likely a distribution issue. hit me up, i'll help you.

I LOVE this oil for mixing half and half with gel to dilute the hold for curly hair. Also, it's a great oil (synthetic) to protect your hair from the elements. Air pollutants get sucked into our hair and also can suck the moisture right outta your hair. It's a good oil to put on your dry hair for shine and protection. (you can put it in wet also and air dry also but I don't like to put it on before I use heat because I don't want the silicon to be pressed into the hair. (<- that's my own personal opinion)